Monday, September 29, 2014

Kale, Ricotta and Fresh Mozzarella Pizza (Thanks Bon Appetit)

Dough rising in pan after 24 hour rise in refrigerator.
If a magazine wants to get my attention, all they need do is post a colorful pizza on the front cover of an issue. Robert and I intended to grill a pork loin for dinner yesterday until the most recent issue of Bon Appetit arrived in the mail. Yes, a scrumptious pizza, complete with the appearance of sizzling vegetables and tiny droplets of oil surrounding melted cheese graced the cover of the October 2014 issue. Our Sunday dinner menu changed!
Lacinto Kale dressed with olive oil, lemon juice & salt/pepper.
I know how important it is to ALWAYS read a recipe before preparing, but sometimes I forget! That is when improvisation comes into play. The kale was supposed to be salted and drained for 2 hours before baking the pizza. Oops, I caught that detail 30 minutes before topping the dough off. Instead I salted and peppered the kale after dousing it with 2 T. each of olive oil and lemon juice. Then I vigorously massaged the leafy greens until quite limp. They were allowed to sit for 30 minutes before squeezing out as much liquid as possible.
Pizza, hot out of the oven!

At this point I distributed the kale over the dough, placed thin slices of fresh mozzarella over the kale and dolloped the entire surface with fresh ricotta.Finish off with a sprinkling of red pepper flakes, then bake in a preheated 525 degree oven for 20 minutes. Overall I think I cut out at least 1/2 cup of olive oil, cutting the calorie burden significantly. We decided this was a fun way to eat our greens!

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